A Coronavirus Podcast: Episode 1... My Dad

Hi friends! I'm working on a podcast from my own little corner of the world in which we're now facing a lot of time alone. So, while we're here, let's talk! About anything. And everything.

These are the voices of everyday people getting through this pandemic. Together. Press play to listen to the first episode:

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In this episode of the podcast we're talking about my dad's work at a small town Texas manufacturing plant. And he talks about standing in an 80 person line waiting for the grocery store doors to open. Oh, and also cookies. We're making cookies.

Love you, Dad!

If you're interested in talking about what's happening in your corner of the world, check out this page! I'd love to have you on the podcast! (Yes, you!)


And subscribe with the form on this page to hear every episode as they come out!

We're in this together. Much love,



Episode 2: Kristina in Germany


Haiku - A Practice in Noticing