Episode 5: Kristin in Seattle

This is You and Me and Everyone We Know, a podcast we’re all making together during the coronavirus pandemic. Whether you are listening right now or you are a guest on this podcast, you are part of a community. You are not alone. 

Press play below to hear today’s episode with Kristin, a Content Strategist at Facebook and an old college friend:

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(If you got this through your email, tap here to listen.)

Today, we’re talking to Kristin. Kristin and I went to college together at Abilene Christian University. We met when both of us joined a study abroad program in Oxford. We didn’t like each other. Yet. 

We were growing up at the same time. And soon we realized how much we actually loved being together. We laughed a ton through our last two years in Abilene. Now Kristin and her husband Tripp live in Washington State with their corgis and with a real sense that the world has suddenly changed.

Thanks for listening! And thank you Kristin for connecting with me and with everyone listening. If YOU, dear listener, want to be part of this podcast go to heybrentlove.com and tap coronavirus podcast on the menu or find me on Instagram @ heybrentlove. 

Wherever you’re listening right now, you might feel scared. You might feel isolated. But you are never, ever alone. And by listening, you’re connecting to a wide web of people, all of us working to get through this together. 

If feel like someone you know might feel comforted by hearing how everyday people are getting through these tough days, please share this podcast with them. And if you’d like to talk to someone and share what’s happening in your corner of the world, you can message me at heybrentlove.com or send me a direct message on Instagram @heybrentlove 

I can’t wait to talk to you. Here’s a bunch of love to everyone out there. We’ll get through this together. 


Episode 6: Amy in Madison and Mason in Lometa


Episode 4: A Father in Uganda